What is Prepayment Metering!
Prepayment Metering is a system that allows customers to conveniently manage and control their electricity. It works much like buying airtime for your mobile phone line, when the units are used up, the customer can buy more to continue using the service.
What is E-Lipa!
E-Lipa! Is the new UEDCL pre-payment system that allows customers to conveniently manage and control their electricity at will. It works much like buying airtime for your mobile phone line, when the units are used up, the customer simply buys more token to continue using the service.
What are the benefits of switching to E-Lipa!?
• Convenience, paying for power will be hustle free since you are able to buy electricity vouchers near you.
• You will be able to monitor and control your electricity usage
• You will no longer receive bills
• You will never have to worry about electricity disconnection or re-connection fees.
How does E-Lipa! work?
Upon connecting your house with electricity you are given a prepaid meter number.
Purchase E-lipa! Units by paying the amount you want using your specific meter number. You will receive a 20-digit token, Load the 20-digit token onto your E-lipa Meter and watch to see if the purchased units have been added to your balance.
Once your units are added, you can now use your electricity. When the units are running low, the meter makes a continuous beeping noise with red light flash to warn you. When this happens, load more units.
How much power can I buy?
E-lipa! Meter comes with 10 pre-loaded Units for first time users which are recoverable. The amount of power you buy depends entirely on your consumption habits. You can purchase without any limitations.
How is it Computed?
The computation is impacted by three things; the Service Fee, the arrears and the VAT. Service Fee of Shs 3360/= is charged once in 30 days. VAT is charged on every transaction. Therefore if one makes multiple transactions during 30 days, he earns discounted units once, and service fee is levied once. These affect the units you get in each transaction.
Are the 10 pre-loaded Units that come with my E-Lipa! meter Free?
The 10 pre-loaded units on your E-Lipa! meter will be fully deducted on your first purchase.
What if I have arrears on my Post Paid bill?
The customer has the option to clear the arrears outright but if you are unable to, the arrears are transferred onto your new E-Lipa! account and deducted at a rate of 30% of your subsequent token purchases until the debt is cleared.
Where do I get units?
You can pay using mobile money and banks.